Peach Soft Serve Ice Cream

This is the perfect spring/summer treat. It's basically a smoothie just made into ice cream! It's naturally sweetened with honey, and creamy from the Greek yogurt.

The Greek yogurt gives the perfect tartness paired with the sweetness of the peaches and honey. It's the perfect sit outside on the back porch and spray your kids down with the hose treat for those hot Texas summers ;)

This recipe is super versatile, so try using different frozen berries and see how you like it! I think raspberry would be awesome :)

If you don't have an ice cream maker, this mixture can easily be made into popsicles. I hope you and your family enjoy this treat as much as we have!


  • 2 cups frozen peaches
  • 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup almond milk (or any kind)
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla

Variations: You could use vanilla Greek yogurt or another flavor, just use less honey to account for the higher sugar content in the yogurt.


In a blender, combine all the ingredients. Blend until smooth.

Turn your ice cream maker on and start pouring the mixture into a fully frozen ice cream maker bowl. Follow your makers instructions for timing or just watch and stop churning when the ice cream has reached the consistency that you want. Mine was perfect after about 12 minutes.

Eat immediately or store - we have these cute little ice cream containers from Tovolo and love them. Your ice cream can be stored in any freezer safe container though with an air-tight seal. When pulling out of the freezer, allow ice cream to soften a bit before enjoying.

What's your favorite summer treat?